
Sunday 30 September 2012

iPhone 5 and i Phone 4

iPhone 5 And iPhone 4 side by side !!!!
which is more better in your opinion !!!

Saturday 29 September 2012


The future sometimes look scary,
but you can't just run back to the past, because its familiar.......
Yes!  its tempting, but its a mistake....
We! need to prove our guts......
We! need to move forward ......
We! need to struggle........
and struggle hard..... 
Isn't it what this life is all about......
Don't Think about past and future  just focus on Present.....
Because Past is never come.....
And we don't Know about our Future.....
so If we work on our Present Then INSHALLAH our feature will be wonderful....... 

Friday 28 September 2012

Agree !!

Wednesday 26 September 2012




  Not many people know that soursop fruit (also part of the soursop tree, ie leaves) keep hidden strength to fight cancer effectively than with treatment using medicines and chemo therapy. Unfortunately, the good news is covered up by one of world company who conduct research and wants research funding plus generous benefits go to the company, before the pharmaceutical raw materials from soursop fruit thrown into the world market. Apart from soursop fruit, there are many other fruits that have a great benefits for health. All fruits are also consumed it easier and more comfortable with processed into healthy fruit juice. 10 Fruit Juices for Beneficial to Health

10. Avocado juice

Avocado juice for health benefits include:
· elps formation of red blood cells
· Preventing anemia
· For pregnant women, folic acid content of avocados can stimulate brain development and the formation of the spinal cord.
· Controlling the bad fats (LDL cholesterol) and raise the good fats (HDL cholesterol)
· Prevent stroke.
· Anti-wrinkle and ageless. etc.

 09. Tomato juice

Tomato juice for health benefits are:
· High antioxidant useful to defend the body from free radicals.
· Content of lyopene in tomatoes could prevent prostate cancer.
· To maintain ideal body weight for those who are dieting to lose weight and may increase appetite for those who are raising the weight as well as in the recovery phase after illness.
· Preventing constipation.
· Glycogen levels can stabilize liver function, 

08. Apple juice

One apple a day could save your life, this phrase seems to be true, the content of apples is very useful for health, including:
· Content of quercetin in apples may as anticancer and anti-inflammatory.
· Content of pectin can help remove dirt buildup in the gut for so long.
· Can lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
· Can reduce appetite.
· Can treat headaches, etc.

07. Strawberry juice

Strawberry juice for health benefits are:
· Contain ellagic acid, which act as antioxidants to counteract free radicals that enter the body.
· Can inhibit tumor cell growth in lung, breast, cervix.
· Can cleanse the body’s digestive system.
· Controlling cholesterol levels.
· Can reduce pain in joints, etc.

06. Guava juice

Benefits contained in guava juice include:
· Can reduce cholesterol in the blood and lowers blood pressure.
· Can prevent thrush.
· Able to lose weight.
· Content of vitamin C in guava juice can relieve colds and coughs.
· Content astrigent can cure diarrhea.
· Can prevent bone loss in, etc

05. Kiwi fruit juice

Kiwi juice for health benefits include:
· Rich in vitamin C is useful for protecting the body from cancer cells.
· Rich in fiber can reduce constipation.
· Content of potassium helps regulate blood pressure.
· To prevent infection, premature aging.
· Very good for those who suffer from heart disease.
· Relieve cold and flu, etc

04. Mango juice 

Mango juice for health benefits include:
· Can be as a disinfectant to cleanse the body and blood in the body.
· Rich in caretenoid that can mencegahh colon cancer and cervical cancer bone.
· Can rejuvenate the body’s cells.
· Can prevent body odor caused by bacteria, etc

03. Noni juice

Although it tastes pretty bad, but noni juice or noni fruit dutch is very beneficial to health, including:
· Can boost the immune system.
· Can normalize / reduce blood pressure.
· Be able to fight tumors and cancer cells.
· Contains scopoletin which functions as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic.
· Very useful for the disease: hypertension, stroke, diabetes, migraine, vertigo, vaginal discharge, painful joints, etc.

02. Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice for health benefits:
· Substances tannins can anesthetize roundworms, pinworms and tapeworms in the intestines and release it with feces.
· Rich in vitamins A, C, E and folic acid good for pregnancy.
· Rich in antioxidants that help prevent blockages in the arteries caused by cholesterol.
· Prevent the occurrence of prostate cancer, etc. 

01. Soursop juice

A study published by The Journal of Natural Products mentioned that the soursop fruit as the “miracle fruit” that is very nutritious for health, including:
· Can effectively pick and choose the target bad cells from 12 different types of cancer, namely breast cancer, prostate, lung, colon, pancreas.
· Working 10 thousand times more powerful to postpone cell growth cancer than drug (andriamicin) or chemo therapy. 



Tuesday 25 September 2012

Probhet MUHAMMAD (Salal lahu alihi waslam) Honored by supreme court of usa ....

Fact: The US Supreme court honored Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) as one of the greatest impact on law in the world in 1935.

Equality before the law; Innocent until proven guilty; The right to counsel ... this is why in 1935, the United States Supreme Court honored Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as one of the 18 greatest lawgivers in human history in 1935.

Islam is also
recognized in one of our greatest buildings (the Library of Congress) as being one of the 11 or 12 most influential and important contributors to civilization!


May Allaah guide and unite us as ONE UMMAH!!!

Sunday 23 September 2012

WAtch live PAKISTAN vs INDIA series

   Watch LIVE PAKISTAN vs INDIA series

click here  Watch live PAKISTAN vs INDIA series

Friday 21 September 2012

Eyes very closly

No Photoshop, it is our eyes if you look closely
It is made by ALLAH ... no doubt ALLAH is great  creator who is always and always !!!!!! 

Tuesday 18 September 2012

8 Things the iPhone 5 Still Can't Do !

In terms of specs, performance, and features, the iPhone 5 is Apple's best to date. This doesn't mean it's as good as it could be, however.

There were a few egregious omissions from the keynote presentation – features that we not only want in our iPhone, but that we feel are overdue.

NFC for mobile payments

Instead of building NFC into the iPhone, Apple would rather have you use its Passbook system, which lets lets users store tickets, gift cards, boarding passes, and the like.

It can handle some (but definitely not all) of the tasks that you might use NFC for. For example, you can't use Passbook to wirelessly send money to a friend via PayPal.
 NFC also lets you beam content between devices just by tapping them together. Samsung's Galaxy S III takes advantage of this feature. 

An improved texting solution on the keyboard, like Swype

Swype is something of a mainstay on Android phones. Instead of tapping out your texts letter by letter, you can drag your finger over them without lifting it. The end result is that you get your message out much more quickly.

SD card support for extra storage

We'd like to be able to extend our device's storage capability beyond the 64 GB maximum. History suggests that external SD card support isn't going to be in a mobile Apple device any time soon.

A 128 GB option

The iPod Classic offered users 160 GB of music and video capacity. Many people (ourselves included) had no problem filling it right up.

Now that the iPhone is an easy replacement for your old iPod, we'd love to be able to carry the same amount of content around with us without having to pick and choose what stays at home.

Non-proprietary dock connection

We've never understood why our iPhones can't use a standard USB port and a standard USB cable to sync. Now the iPhone 5 introduces a new micro-dock connection requiring the use of its own special cable.

If you want to use your old sync cables, you have to buy this $29 adapter.

 A micro-HDMI port

Once again, if you want to get video off of your phone, it requires the use of a special adapter. (Unless you buy a $99 Apple TV.) The Kindle Fire HD and several Android phones use a micro-HDMI port, letting you run a cable straight from your tablet to the television.

This makes it easier, better, and more affordable for the user.

Replaceable battery

The battery life on the iPhone 5 has seen some nice improvements, but for the power users who are glued to their phones all day, it won't suffice.

We'd love to be able to carry an additional fully-charged iPhone battery that we could pop in whenever the first one bites the dust.

While we're at it, better battery life!

The iPhone 5's battery life is about the same as the iPhone 4S'. Yes, it has a bigger battery, but the new 4G LTE radio and bigger screen use up a lot of that extra power. We wish Apple had included a better battery in the iPhone 5 like the one on Motorola's Droid Razr Maxx. The Razr Maxx can last several hours longer than the iPhone 5. ..

Regards : shaz khan

Saturday 15 September 2012

The Prophet suffered insult after insult in his life. And what did he do in response? He gave Dawah. That's the sunnah of our Prophet - not crazy protests which achieve nothing and worse still - result in people dying in them.

Discover Islam UK - a Muslim charity had the right approach. They distributed 110,000 Qur'ans as a response.
It Shows Islam Education !! nice

Life without liberty is like a body without soul.

When King Faisal cut off oil supplies and deprived the west from oil in October 73 and said his famous quote/saying, " We and our ancestors survived on dates and milk and we will return to them again."

On that day Henry Kissinger -Minister of foreign affairs- visited him to try to pull him back from his decision. He said in his memoirs that when he met King Faisal in Jeddah he was sad so he made a joke and told King Faisal, " My plane ran out of oil so will your majesty order it to get supplied with oil and we are ready to pay at international rates ? "
He continued in his memoir saying that King Faisal didnt laugh and raised his head and looked at him and said,

" And I'm an old man who wishes to pray in Al-Aqsa before I die so will you help me in my wish ? "

so the people can aware with this..

Friday 14 September 2012

NICE Quotes

NICE collection of  Quotes ..........

Wednesday 12 September 2012

If you have money .......


Tuesday 11 September 2012

This world's largest Qur'an
was made from wood carvings with 9 meters thickness and the page size of 177 x 140 x 2.5 centimeters in Al Ihsaniyah Islamic Boarding School, Palembang Indonesia

Sunday 9 September 2012

Try it

Must try its so interesting ... :) 


Its mean that education is most important for every one no can what ever its religious or world ! !

Saturday 8 September 2012


SO TRUE ........

Think about it !!!

Friday 7 September 2012

★★★ Miracle Of Hands ★★★


★  Look at your hands and identify the outlined marks.
In Arabic, 8 is written as ٨ and 1 is written as ١ . Thus, On your left hand, the marks appear as ٨١ which can be written as 81 in English. On the right hand, the marks appear as ١٨ , which can be written as 18. Here is the interesting part, If you were to add 81 and 18, it becomes 99, which is the number of Allah's beautiful names that appear in the Qur'an. Also, if you subtract 18 from 81, it becomes 63. At the age of 63,Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) passed away and the religion of Islam was completed! Amazing, isn't it? It is as if the Kalimah is written on your hands. There is no got but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.

Thursday 6 September 2012


6 september is defence day 
