
Sunday 2 December 2012

When I Grow Up, I Will Become A...

When I Grow Up, I Will Become A...

Paris-based photographer Malo, aka MondayMonday, takes a delightful look at possible professions a child could fall into, through the eyes of a doting parent. Reflected in this series entitled Un jour, mon enfant tu seras, translated as One Day You Will Be My Child, are several career paths a child can take ranging from employment as a ballerina or priest to a matador or boxer. It's difficult to say where life will lead us and so runs the mental turmoil of a parent's inner monologue when looking down at their precious tot.
Though the task of thinking about your child's future livelihood can be daunting and downright terrifying, this series is more fun and lighthearted than anything else. The idea of a parent looking down at their kid and seeing a potential superhero is really humorous to me. Even in the butcher's outfit, a far more realistic occupation, there is a smile stapled to my face. It's inexplicable but babies in elaborate, adult costuming are always adorable and emit a joyous sensation. When they're older might want them to change out of their surfer's getup once in a while.


Blogger said...

This is disgusting. Children are not pets, they are certainly not objects, and are not for things like these. What happened to humanity, that we degenerated to such a low level that some of us use children for creating ads, or using them as posterchildren for their own agenda... totally disrespectful towards children !

Unknown said...

Dont you cry ok this is just post not ! and not realy do with childeren like this !

Unknown said...

awesome Dear

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