
Monday 7 January 2013


 Indian Rape victim was brutally raped Iron rodded and thrown out of the vehicle left to die with severe wounds, struggling for the life for many days coming in and out of coma, she eventualy died.
But Ban Ki Moon didn’t announced the Rape Victim day, UN didnt observed anti-rape day nor Obama and Hillarious Clinton called it a brutal act and niether Madonna did a striptease with her name tatooed on her naked body. Then why did all this happened for Malala when even locals have solid proof that Malala incident never occurred and it’s a fabricated story. what does it show? does All they have some inetrest in Malala Story?!!!!


M. Javed Naseem said...

Malala serves a purpose of their agenda about Pakistan. Indian rape victim does not serve their motive. They cannot use it as an excuse to start a new attack/war in this area (China-Pakistan-Iran). That is why they are installed in Afghanistan and are preparing the ground. That is why Malala is created. Indian rape victim does not help their cause.

Hakeem Dost Muhammad Sabir Multani said...

Unknown said...

Well said Jay Max

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